A 3d System conversion for SLA Industries v3.3.The 3d system is copyright 1999-2001 by dnotice.de
written by Eldritch

This material intends to expand the basic treatment of martial arts in the Bitter Rain Combat system. To do so, the basic martial arts skill is broadened into four techniques with different effects. The four techniques are: Shih, Sun Hsing, Ki' Jhao and Far Chi. Each technique offers special Chi moves that require a certain amount of proficiency with the technique to be able to excute them.

Shih (Force Arts)
Effect: per 3 ranks of Shih, add +1 to Marital Arts Damage (automatic Focussing). Increased regular damage: Fist (PEN 0, DAM 1, AD 0), Kick (PEN 0, DAM 2, AD 0).
Chi: Armor Cleave, Slaying Strike, Strike of Fatigue
Relations: Sun Hsing (Opposing), Ki' Jhao (Neutral), Far Chi (Complementary)

The technique called Shih is an aggressive technique, best suited for attack. It teaches that the best way not to get hit is to hit the enemy first. Shih is not primarily concerned with defending attacks, but it channels all energy into more devastating attacks.

Sun Hsing (Shade Arts)
Effect: per 3 ranks of Sun Hsing add +1 to your Dodge/Parry rolls.
Chi: Flying Leap, Lightning Volley, Blade Cleave
Relations: Shih (Opposing), Far Chi (Neutral), Ki' Jhao (Complementary)

This technique is in direct opposition to the Shih technique; instead of placing emphasis on quick devastating attacks, Sun Hsing practioneers are skilled in defense and not to get hit.

Ki' Jhao (Void Arts)
Effect: per 3 ranks of Ki' Jhao the character gains 1 free Parry Action.
Chi: War Cry, Look of Power, Motion Blur
Relations: Far Chi (Opposing), Shih (Neutral), Sun Hsing (Complementary)

This is a technique similar to Sun Hsing, but instead of focussing on blocking attacks it teaches an economy of motions, granting the practioner an apparent increased speed in combat.

Far Chi (Body Arts)
Effect: per 3 ranks of Far Chi subtract 1 from the Incap and/or 1 from the Body Location Hits taken by the character.
Chi: Purge, Soul Shout, Healing Touch
Relations: Ki' Jhao (Opposing), Sun Hsing (Neutral), Shih (Complementary)

This technique is related to Shih in so far that it heavily relies on physique. Practioners of Far Chi seem to be more healthy than the practioners of other techniques. Far Chi teaches the control over body and mind by blocking pain and strengthening mental discipline.


Using Martial Arts
In order to get the special effects of a martial arts technique, the character must fight using this technique. All techniques add their rank to the practioner's Initiative as per the basic combat rules, however, only Shih adds rank/3 to the character's Damage Bonus and only a character fighting with the Far Chi technique subtracts rank/3 from all Incap taken, because in order to receive the benefits of a technique, the character must be in the proper stance and mental condition for this technique.

A character can learn several (even all) techniques and during a combat he can shift from one technique to another, but doing so requires a successful Martial Arts roll using the rank of the technique the character wants to switch into, so eg. if a character wants to switch from Shih to Far Chi technique, this requires a successful Far Chi roll.

As each technique demands a certain mental concept, switching from one technique to another (especially if they are of conflicting concepts) can be a tricky affair. The relation of mental concepts and physical stances of each technique to the other technique is listed under Relations in the description of the technique. A technique that is opposed to another technique (eg. Far Chi and Ki' Jhao) grants the character a -6 Modifier to his Martial Arts roll when he wants to switch to the opposed technique. Neutrally aspected techniques impose a -3 modifier when switching; only switching to a complementary technique involves no modifier.

A character who fails the roll is occupied with adapting to the new paradigm of thoughts and motions. Although he can fight and defend normally, he cannot use any of the special effects granted to him through either technique.

Example: Isis (proficient in Shih, Sun Hsing and Ki' Jhao) is faced with an opponent who is faster than she and could stand her initial onslaught with Shih techniques. So she decides to switch from Shih to Ki' Jhao in order to gain more free Parry/Dodge Actions. As Ki' Jhao is neutrally aspected to Shih she suffers only a -3 modifier to her roll on Ki' Jhao when she attempts to switch techniques.

A Martial Artist can concentrate on his strike before attacking, thereby increasing the damage done through the attack. By focussing the damage of an Martial Arts attack can be increased by up to as many points as the character's Damage Bonus.

To do so, the player sacrifices 6 points of Initiative for each +1 increase in Damage Bonus. Initiative cannot lowered beyond 0 this way, and if the Initiative is lowered to 0 Advantages that grant an additional attack within the same phase at a lower Initiative Count, can not be used in this phase.

Practioneers of Shih have special training in Focussing; they automaticall focus when they enter combat and never need to lower their Initiative for increase damage and they never need to roll for successful Focussing; all their attacks are automatically focussed.

To successfully execute the Focussing Maneuver, the player must succeed in a CONC test with the increased damage x 2 as a penalty.

Example: Isis has a Damage Bonus of 3 and her rank in Shih is 9 while her rank in Ki'Jhao is 6. While in a Shih stance, the maximum increase in damage is 3 (Damage Bonus) and she automatically attacks with PEN 0, DAM 4, AD 0 (fists) and with PEN 0, DAM 5, AD 0 (kicks).

If she wanted to focus while in a Ki' Jhao stance, she could still increase Damage by 3 points, but she had to sacrifice 18 points of Initiative for it without getting the +3 bonus to her Focussing Roll that she is granted while using Shih.

Still her damage with Ki' Jhao is lower, as she won't get the increased regular Shih damage, so her attacks would be made with PEN 0, DAM 3, AD 0 (fists) and PEN 0, DAM 4, AD 0 (kicks).

Exceptional Rank
If a character possesses a Martial Arts rank above 10, he has gained an enhanced mastery over his body. He can now execute attacks that can even penetrate armour.

Per point of Martail Arts (regardless of discipline) above 10, the PEN of an Martial Art attack is increased by 1. Still the maximum number the PEN can be increased this way is equal to the character's Damage Bonus.

Example: Deciever with Ki' Jhao 13 and STR 13 has a Damage Bonus of +4; the PEN of his attacks using Ki' Jhao is increased by +3 (for rank 13). If his rank in Ki' Jhao was 14 his PEN would be increased by +4, but if his rank was 15, the increase would still be +4, because of his Damage Bonus.

It is possible to use any kind of claws (eg. Stormer Claws, Ebb Claws, etc.) together with Martial Arts moves. This, however, increases the Handling Factor of the attack by 2 points.


Chi Moves
Each technique lists a number of Chi moves that can only be executed with this technique. Chi moves are special abilities a character can learn when he delves deep into the secrets and underlying paradigms of a martial arts technique. In order to learn a Chi move the character must possess the required rank in the technique and he must spend the number of balance points as stated in the description of the technique.

Chi moves require utmost concentration and control over the body; they draw upon the inner strength of the character, his will, resolve and the power stored deep within him. This energy is called Qi and it is essential to power the Chi moves. Starting Qi is equal to the character's Martial Arts Rank(s). Each time the character increases a Martial Arts skill Qi is also increased by 1 point. Qi can also be bought like any other stat at a cost of 5 Balance points per rank.

Executing a Chi move costs an Action. Furthermore, the player must succeed in a roll of the associated martial arts technique with the negative modifier that is given in the description of the move. If the roll fails, the move is not executed and the Action and Qi spent on the move is lost.


Armor Cleave
Rank: 3
Qi: 1 per 5 ID destroyed.
Technique: Shih

If this ability is successfully executed, the attack destroys a number of IDs depending on Flux spent in the location hit (alongside with IDs lost due to Armor Damge or non-Penetration). This attack is not limited to armed attacks; even unarmed attacks can destroy armor, however, in this case the Flux involved needs to be higher and the cost is doubled (2 per 5 ID).

Slaying Strike
Rank: 9
Qi 1 per Incap destroyed
Technique: Shih

This technique lets the practioner attune himself to the soul of the opponent and destroy parts of this soul with his next attack. In effect, this attack adds extra Incap damge to the damage already caused by the attack. If the extra damage is high enough to increase the Incap damage beyond the maximum Incap sustainable by the opponent, the victim dies on the spot.

Strike of Fatigue
Rank: 6
Qi 1 per Incap taken
Technique: Shih

This move is similar to the Slaying Strike, but it causes Bruising Damage when used. In addition to the usual damage taken through the strike, the victim suffers a number Bruising Damage equal to the Flux spent. If Brusing Damge marks off the last square from the Incap Track, the victim falls unconscious.


Flying Leap
Rank: 3
Qi: 1 per round
Technique: Sun Hsing

This move allows a character to execute a series of leaps and sommersaults as if he were able to fly. The Success Die of the roll used to activate this ability is added to any Acrobatics rolls made while the character spends Flux to uphold this technique. Furthermore, the Acrobatic maneuvers may be taken in conjunction to another Action (like summersaulting to an opponent and executing an attack upon him within the same phase).

Lightning Volley
Rank: 8
Qi: 1 per 2 ranks of the attack
Technique: Sun Hsing, reactive - costs no Action.

This move allows the character to catch a weapon thrown at him and send it back at the thrower. The player spends a number of Flux on this ability; each point Flux gives him a virtual +2 rank in Thrown Weapons (only for casting the weapon back on the attacker).

Example: A DarkNight Infiltrator throws a combat blade at Isis. She executes a Lightning Volley move, succeeds with it and catches the blade. She spends 4 Flux on the attack and sends the attack back with a virtual +8 rank in Throwing Weapons.

Blade Cleave
Rank: 5
Qi: 1 per point of damage to the weapon
Technique: Sun Hsing

This technique is must be executed together with a standard attack; if the attack is parried by a weapon, the weapon is damaged. Per Flux spent on this attack, the weapon takes 1 point of damage. The maximum number of damage a weapon can sustain before shattering is equal to it's DAM.

An attack can be directly aimed at a weapon; to do so, the player executes a standard melee attack, but the result on his Aiming Die (including boni due to a roll in excess of 18) must be at least as high as the Handling Factor of the weapon. If the Aiming Die Value is lower than the Handling Factor of the weapon, the targeted weapon was missed.

Note: this move has no effect on organic substances; only metals, glass and plastic an be affected, wood or bone is untouched.


War Cry
Rank: 6
Qi: 1 per mod.
Technique: K'ia Jho

Using this move, the practioner shouts a battle cry that is intended to stun the opponent. Everybody hearing the cry must roll against a COOL with a negative modifier equal to the Success Die used in activating the War Cry and the amount of Flux spent on the move. If the roll fails the victim loses a total number of Actions equal to 7 minus the Success Die of the COOL roll. If the victim loses more Actions than he has in a phase they carry over into the next phase(s).

Example: Alone and facing several Scavers, UV lets loose her war cry. She succeeds with a Success Die of 5 and spends 4 Flux on the move. Now each Scaver rolls his COOL against 16 with a modifier of -9 (UV's Success Die plus 4 Flux). Each Scaver that fails his roll loses a number of Actions equal to 7 minus the Success Die of his failed COOL roll.

Look of Power
Rank: 2
Qi: 1 per 2 Fear Rating
Technique: K'ia Jho

This move lets the practioner project an aura of fear. Everybody seeing the practioner must roll against a Fear Rating equal to the Success Die used in activating the move plus any Flux spent on the the move. Each point of Flux spent on the move increases the Fear Rating by 3.

Motion Blur
Rank: 9
Qi: 5 per Action
Technique: K'ia Jho, Intuitive - costs no Action

Using this move the practioner can sacrifice one or more of his free Parry/Defense Actions and gain an additional standard Action, raising his number of Actions in the current phase.


Rank: 4
Qi: 1 per phase
Technique: Far Chi

This move lets the practioner purify his blood-stream from any toxic substances. Let the player state which substance he wants to purge then roll it's rating against a Target Number of 16 with a negative modifier equal to the Success Die value used in activating the move. If the roll is successful, the character fails to purge the substance from his system, otherwise it is completely destroyed and no trace of it is left.

See the Poison & Drugs page for a listing of drug/poison ratings.

Soul Shout
Rank: 10
Qi: 13
Technique: Far Chi

This technique lets the character transform his deepest angst into a shout directed at a victim. Upon hearing the anguish-filled wail, the victim takes the remaining Incap of the practioner as direct damage to his own remaining Incap. If the victim succeeds in a Fear roll against 13 plus the value of the Success Die used in activating the shout, the damage is halved.

Example: The Necanthrope Despair has 45 Base Hits and an Incap of 36. In a recent combat he has suffered 16 points damage so his remaining Incap is 20. When faced with a hostile practioner of Shih he activates his Soul Shout and his opponent must suffer 20 Incap (which will render him unconscious, as his Incap is only 15) or resist against a rank 18 (13 plus the Success Die of the ability, in this case 5) Fear effect.

Healing Touch
Rank: 5
Qi: 1 per wound
Technique: Far Chi

This technique lets the practioner stop bleeding on his own body. He can close one wound per point of Flux spent on the move with a maximum number of wounds that he can close equal to the value of the Success Die used in activating the move.


Weapon Katas
Katas are modifications to martial arts techniques that enable the practioner to include weapons into the strikes and moves of his technique. For each weapon the character wants to use a martial arts technique with he must develop an independent Kata skill. This skill acts as a limiter to the rank of the martial arts technique when used in conjunction with the weapon.

Example: Isis has learned to include her MAC Knife into her Shih attacks. Her Kate: MAC Knife skill is at rank 7 while her rank in Shih is 13. If she executes a Shih Kata attack with her knife, she is limited to the rank of her weapon kata, in this case 7. If she fights without her weapon kata she can use the full range of her immense knowledge of Shih enabling her to fight with rank 13.
A weapon kata must be developed individually and independently for each weapon and each technique. Possessing a Shih weapon kata with the MAC Knife won't help in trying to use the MAC Knife with Sun Hsing techniques unless the character possesses the Sun Hsing MAC Knife weapon kata.
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